Jana O'Leary Sullivan
Jana is experienced with and passionate about working with local governments. Jana has more than 20 years of experience advising and representing cities and other local governments. Before joining Kennedy & Graven, Jana worked for 20 years at the League of Minnesota Cities, where she served as the assistant litigation supervisor, splitting her time between advising/risk management and litigation.
Jana has worked with cities on both routine and emerging issues, as well as on high-profile incidents, many of which have involved complex legal issues closely monitored by the public and media. In addition to general municipal work, Jana specializes in employment law, including providing employment counseling and trainings, reviewing policies and contracts, coordinating conflict resolution and communication efforts, and conducting employment investigations. Jana also has years of experience representing city and other public employers in litigation before federal and state courts and agencies. She is well versed in data practices issues and guiding cities through workplace violence concerns. Jana focuses on providing holistic advice to clients that incorporates considerations of public relations, workplace morale, and social and political factors.
Jana is active in several organizations, including the Minnesota Association of City Attorneys and the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association. Jana currently teaches a professional development/mentoring class at St. Thomas University Law School and works pro bono for Advocates for Human Rights on immigration matters, including asylum and trafficking petitions.
After law school, Jana clerked for Judge Thomas Kalitowski at the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Before law school, Jana attended college in Washington, DC and interned at the Children’s Defense Fund, CNN – White House Unit, and Senator Paul Wellstone’s office.
In her free time, Jana loves spending time with her two daughters, her pets, friends, and family. She loves traveling, and her motto is “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” When she isn’t working, Jana’s doing Pilates, beachcombing, hiking (especially at Minnesota state parks in the fall), and tending her garden and 50+ indoor plants.
Jana has this to say about Kennedy & Graven:
I am excited about joining Kennedy & Graven to continue my work with cities and local governments in both familiar and new ways. I am looking forward to working at a firm that not only serves the public good and provides a wealth of experience and knowledge, but also provides a positive workplace where collaboration and innovative problem solving are key and ingrained in the great workplace culture. We are all in this together, trying to solve the current and future problems that challenge our communities.
University of Minnesota Law School
Juris Doctor – 2003
George Washington University
B.A. Political Communication
Memberships and Professional Activities
Minnesota State Bar Association, Member
U.S. District Court for Minnesota
Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
Trainings/Presentations Conducted by Jana
• Handling Employee Medical Issues
• First Amendment/Public Employment/Social Media (“Avoiding Facebook Firestorms”)
• What Every Police Supervisor Should Know
• What Every Supervisor Needs to Know about Employment/Labor Law
• Mental Health in the Workplace
• Police/Fire/Public Safety Employees & PTSD/Mental Health
• Data Practices Act
• Open Meeting Law
• Crisis Communications & the Law
• Trainings tailored to specific audiences and/or topics